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About Us


Supervisors for Person-Centred Diploma Students

The Norwich Centre delivers an established and well-regarded Post-Graduate Diploma in Person-Centred Counselling.  This is a part-time course and has been running for many years.

As part of the course, our students have a practice placement and have been enjoying placements at many local counselling organisations as well as some further afield.  As part of their training, once they begin placements students are expected to engage in individual supervision which they organise and finance themselves.  However, The Norwich Centre has a list of approved providers who have met certain criteria and are willing to sign a 3 way contract with the student, The Norwich Centre and the supervisor which lays out certain requirements of the students, the course and the supervisor.

If you are interested in potentially becoming one of our approved supervisors then please click on the link below and have a read of the Job Description and Person Specification or contact us at

Please note: Students chose their own supervisor they are given the approved provider list and they make their own choices and negotiations from there, so please note this is not a guarantee of contracted work but an opportunity to work with our students and beyond their training if this is the student’s wish.

Click here to view the Post-Graduate Diploma Course Supervisor Job Description & Person Specification.